I remember the first time I heard the prophetic announcement that “The Camels Are Coming!!”
2012 was coming to a close, and 2013, in Hebrew, 5783, was to be the year of the gimel, which is the Hebrew letter/word for camel. We’ll talk more about this story when I release the study guide for subscribers to my Sunday School Classroom at Friday Night Lights.
One reference to camels loaded with provision is found in Genesis 24. which tells the story of Isaac and Rebekah. There are many nuances to the story, but one of my favorite aspects of the story is that Eliezer, the servant of Abraham used his camels as a point of reference for God to show him the answer to his prayer to find the girl who was to become the bride for Isaac
He was to return to Abraham’s homeland to find her, so he asked the Lord to lead him to her. He asked for the right girl to offer him a drink of water when he arrived, but would offer to water all of his camels, as well. He would be searching for her in a land where he didn’t know anyone, so that would be his sign from God that she was the bride he was searching for.
After a long wait, Isaac was in the field, watching for the return of his father’s caravan when he lifted up his eyes and saw that the camels were coming!! He knew that if she had agreed to marry him, his bride would be on that caravan, so his heart was filled with anticipation as he waited to see if she was on board.
What a romantic story, right?!! Here’s the part of the story I have created so far…
You can see why people were so excited to hear that 2013 was the year of the camel, because that was seen as a declaration of long-awaited provision that was on the horizon for the household of faith!!
The problem is, it’s now 2024 and the camels loaded with provision for our generation seem to have gone missing, and many people have grown heavy-hearted because of the long delay. Hope deferred truly does make the heart sick…
So, what do you think happened to those camels of provision? I think there is MORE to that story, and that is the reason I am sharing this story with you today!!
I think the message of the camels has not been completed yet; and that the provision we are all trusting God for has been hijacked!! Like the clues found in the quilts on the Underground Railroad, I think the message we are searching for is hidden in plan view, and we need to look deeper into the details of the message.
“It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, it is the glory of kings to search a matter out.” Proverbs 25:2.
I LOVE to dive into the details of discovering the depths of God’s word to me, so I invite you to join me in the quest to seek this matter out!!!
The need for a caravan of camels loaded with provision has been on my radar for a very long time, so HERE is where I will be posting the study guides and activities pages that will introduce you to “Scout.”
He is the camel who has helped me find my own answers to the question… “Where Are The Camels?!”
This is just one of the many adventures I have experienced during my long-term recovery journey, and I look forward to sharing this story with you.
Thanks for taking the time to visit again today. I look forward to talking with you again in my next post.