Artsy, Crafty Social Studies at
Connie's House

An ACEs Recovery Journey For ALL Of Us

About Teacher Talk

Welcome to our artsy, crafty, family-friendly study center for faith-based lesson plans, craft tutorials, study guides, favorite family recipes and other resources to help govern your household of faith!!

We are here to share our family-friendly, faith focused resources that celebrate our relationship with Jesus and His passion for making disciples according to the law of love. You know, the gospel of Jesus that heals the sick, raises the dead, and sets people free from all kinds of captivity?!
We recognize that the household of faith is faced with as much family dysfunction as other households, so we are here to shine a light on the recovery process that brings healing and wholeness to the entire family line!!
We are ACEs aware and trauma-informed, and we believe that recovery is a
multi-generational family affair.  We know how painful the recovery process can be, and we also believe that no one should have to face their ACEs alone.
Recovery conversations can be awkward and uncomfortable for those who are unfamiliar with abusive and addictive territories, so we are here to help bridge the gap between orphans and the well-fed priesthood.
You know!!! So that we can be the answer to the prayer that Jesus prayed for all of us... "That we may become one as He and our Father are one!" 

Let's Look Into "The Mystery" Of "Our" Identity!

“To them God has chosen to make known among the
Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery,
which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.”

Colossians 1:27

What We Do at Teacher Talk

@KatalumaTeacherTalk on YT

©  2024  Teacher Talk at Connie's House

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